Folks, my father used to say, c'mon man, that the Lord is the only one who can predict the future - no malarkey! Well, listen, Jack, what do you know, there's an old-time prophet called Hananiah who claims he knows the future, and he's telling the people of Judah that the Lord is gonna bring them back from exile in Babylon. Now, here's the deal, I'm not joking, the Lord sends Jeremiah to Hananiah to tell him that he's wrong. See here, Jack, the Lord is gonna bring the people of Judah back from exile, but not for another 70 years. What was that? Hananiah says he's gonna break the yoke of the king of Babylon in two, but the Lord says that's not gonna happen. I tell you what - excuse me - Hananiah is gonna die for this one, and Jeremiah is gonna be proven to be a true prophet. Literally.