Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Jeremiah was a prophet of God, and he was really having a tough time. He was depressed, he felt like he was being attacked, and he felt like he was being mocked by people who were supposed to be his friends. My father used to say, "You gotta keep your chin up, even when it seems like everything is falling apart." But Jeremiah just couldn't do it. He was literally so upset he said he wished he had never been born. C'mon, man! That's no way to talk about a life that's been blessed by the Lord. He finally realized the Lord was still with him, and he was able to find his strength again. See here, Jack: no matter how hard things get, God is always there for us. We just have to turn to Him and trust that He will help us get through it. What was that? Oh, I'm not joking. God is there for us, folks! No malarkey! He's been there since the beginning of time and He'll be there until the end of eternity. Excuse me, but that's just the way it is. Not gonna happen any other way. I tell ya what: it's been that way since the days of Jeremiah, and it's still true today.