Peter: Alright, so this is Chapter 20 of Jeremiah... Lois: What's it say? Peter: Well, it starts off with Jeremiah complaining about being persecuted for speaking God's words. Meg: Oh boy, here we go. Stewie: What's he gonna do? Peter: Well, for starters he's gonna curse the day of his birth. Brian: Whoa, harsh. Peter: Then he says God has become like an enemy and he's under attack from all sides. Lois: What a bummer. Peter: Yeah, then he talks about how he's been made fun of and ridiculed for trying to do God's work, so he prays for God to take vengeance on his enemies. Meg: Wow, that's dark. Stewie: Yeah, like the movie The Dark Knight. Peter: Right, so then he says he's been put to shame and can't even go out in public. Brian: That's rough. Peter: Yeah, but then he says that despite all that he's still trusting in the Lord. Lois: How inspiring. Peter: Yeah, and then the chapter ends with him saying that the Lord has saved him from those who were out to get him. Meg: That's a happy ending. Stewie: Yeah, like the ending of The Avengers.