Peter: Alright, so in Jeremiah 18, God tells Jeremiah to go to the potter's house. He watches the potter, who messes up one of the pieces of clay he's working on.

Lois: Wow, what a mess.

Peter: Yeah, so God tells Jeremiah that just like the potter can rework the clay, He can also rework Israel if they turn back to Him.

Brian: Wait, so God is like Play-Doh now?

Stewie: Yeah, I guess He is! (laughs) Like that one time He was Play-Doh man in that movie with Adam Sandler.

Peter: Anyway, then God tells Jeremiah to warn the people of Judah to change their wicked ways or else He will punish them.

Lois: That's a pretty serious warning.

Stewie: Not as serious as the warning in that one episode of SpongeBob when Squidward got caught in the Krabby Patty. (laughs)

Peter: Right, well, God also warns the people that even if they do repent and turn back to Him, He will still punish them for their previous sins.

Brian: That's kind of harsh.

Lois: That's the way it goes sometimes.