Peter: So, uh, Jeremiah 8. This one's about God being mad at the people of Judah and Israel for not following His instructions, right?
Cleveland: Yeah, that's right. God says, uh, "How can you say you are not guilty? Look at your sins! You have rebelled against me."
Lois: Wow, that's harsh.
Joe: Yeah, and then God says He's going to punish them by sending them into exile.
Stewie: Oh, like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? Hey, Will, uh, God's sending you to exile.
Brian: Stewie, this isn't a sitcom, it's the Bible.
Stewie: Oh, right. So, uh, God also says that He'll bring a famine to the land, and the people will be so desperate for food that they'll eat their own children.
Peter: Ooh, that's messed up. Like when I ate that Big Mac and it was so good I ate two more.
Lois: Peter, that's not the same thing.
Peter: I know, but it was still really good.