Lois: Alright, so what did Jeremiah 39 say?
Peter: Uh, it said something about Babylonians coming in and taking over and sacking Jerusalem, and then the people were taken captive and deported.
Stewie: Oh, like that movie “Taken”?
Brian: Yeah, but a lot less Liam Neeson.
Lois: Oh, right. So why is this so important?
Peter: Well, it’s basically a warning to the people of Jerusalem to obey God’s laws or else they’ll be punished.
Stewie: Like in “The Purge”?
Brian: No, not quite like that.
Lois: So what happened in the end?
Peter: Well, the Babylonians took over and the people were taken into captivity, but then Nebuchadnezzar allowed some of the people to stay in Jerusalem and he even let some of the royal family stay in the palace.
Stewie: What, like a sitcom?
Brian: No, not quite like that.