Peter: Alright, so in Jeremiah 49, we learn that God is gonna punish the people of Ammon, Moab, Edom, Damascus, and Kedar.

Lois: Yeah, and God's told Jeremiah to go and tell them all to get ready for some major destruction.

Stewie: Oh, I get it. It's like when the Avengers are about to go fight Thanos. Brian: Right, but God's gonna use a much bigger hammer than Thanos.

Peter: Yeah, yeah, He's gonna make all the land desolate, and no one's gonna be able to help them.

Joe: Hey, that reminds me of that old movie The Day After!

Lois: Ugh, Joe, that was a depressing movie.

Peter: Yeah, but God's gonna make sure that no one can stop Him. He's gonna make sure that no one can save the people of Ammon, Moab, Edom, Damascus, and Kedar.

Stewie: That's like when the Decepticons were coming to take over the world in Transformers. No one could stop them!

Brian: But don't worry, God's gonna be fair. He'll make sure that those who repent and turn to Him won't have to suffer His wrath.