Peter: Alright, so in this chapter of the Bible, God tells Jeremiah to go buy a piece of land, even though the people of Israel were in exile.
Lois: Um, that's it?
Brian: No, that's not it. God also told Jeremiah to bear witness and testify to the people of Israel that He would bring them back to the land (which He did, eventually). Plus, God wanted to remind Jeremiah that He was still in control and could do whatever He wanted with the land and the people.
Stewie: Oh great, so God's like a real estate mogul now? I guess that explains why everyone in Heaven's so rich.
Cleveland: Yeah, and God also promised that if the people of Israel followed His commandments, then He would fulfill His promise and bring them back to the land.
Peter: And God also said that no matter what happened to the people of Israel, He would never forget them. So, basically, God's not just a real estate mogul, He's also their landlord and their best friend!