Peter: Alright everyone, here's the summary of Jeremiah 15:

Lois: Oh boy, what's it say?

Peter: Well, God tells Jeremiah that if he repents, he will be saved. But if he doesn't, he will be destroyed. Then God says that He will make Jerusalem a ruin and a horrible sight.

Chris: So, like when the Death Star blew up Alderaan in Star Wars?

Peter: Sure, why not.

Stewie: Then God says that the nations who come against Jerusalem won't prevail and that the people of Jerusalem will be like an apron spread out to protect the city.

Brian: Hmmm, very interesting.

Peter: Yeah, and then God says that He will make the people of Jerusalem a wall of fire around the city so that none who pass by will even think about attacking it.

Lois: Well that sounds like a good plan.

Peter: Yeah, and then God says that He will give them rest from their enemies and that none of the wicked will survive.

Stewie: So, like the time Thanos snapped his fingers and half the universe disappeared in the Avengers?

Peter: Yeah, sure. That's basically it.