Peter: Alright, so in Jeremiah 40, we find out that Babylon has been defeated, and some of the Israelites are being allowed to return home.

Lois: Oh, that's great news!

Stewie: Yes, but there's a catch. The Israelites who remain in the land must submit to the rule of a Babylonian governor.

Brian: That doesn't sound too bad...

Peter: Well, it could be worse. I mean, at least they're not having to do a dance-off like in the movie Step Up.

Lois: Good point, Peter.

Stewie: Anyway, this Babylonian governor appoints Gedaliah as the new ruler of the Israelites, and he does everything he can to encourage them to stay in the land.

Brian: Sounds like Gedaliah was a pretty cool guy.

Peter: Yeah, he was. He was like the cool uncle that you wished you had. You know, the one with all the cool stories and the awesome video games.

Lois: Alright, that's enough, Peter. Let's just focus on the summary.

Stewie: Alright, so Gedaliah warns the Israelites not to rebel against the Babylonians, and then some of the leaders swear an oath of loyalty to him.

Brian: That's very noble of them.

Lois: Yes, it is.

Peter: But then there's a bad guy who shows up and tries to assassinate Gedaliah.

Stewie: Yeah, luckily Gedaliah is saved, but then all the Israelites flee out of fear.

Brian: Wow, that's a crazy turn of events.

Peter: Yeah, and then Jeremiah warns the Israelites that if they go to Egypt, they will just be taken captive again.

Lois: So what happens in the end?

Stewie: Well, some of the Israelites decide to take Jeremiah's advice and stay in Judah, while the others go to Egypt.

Brian: Interesting.

Peter: Yeah, and then the chapter ends with the people of Judah mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem.

Lois: So sad.

Stewie: Yeah, but at least they got to go home. That's like when Ross got to go back to being a paleontologist on Friends.

Brian: I guess that's one way to look at it.