Peter: Alright, so what we got here is Jeremiah 42. It's all about the people of Judah asking Jeremiah for advice about whether they should stay in Judah or go to Egypt.

Lois: Ugh, I'm so confused. Is it like the same as the question of whether or not to get Netflix?

Stewie: Oh, Lois, I'm sure it's much more complicated than that.

Peter: Yeah, so Jeremiah tells them not to go to Egypt, and that they should stay in Judah. But they don't listen to him and they all still go to Egypt anyway.

Lois: Oh, that's just like when I told Peter not to buy that widescreen television and he did it anyway.

Peter: Hey, it was worth it.

Stewie: So, what else happens in this chapter?

Peter: Well, Jeremiah warns them that if they go to Egypt, they will suffer. And then, God sends a message to them through Jeremiah that he will destroy them if they don't listen to him.

Lois: Wait, so this is like when I told my mother not to get that new iPhone, but she did it anyway and it ended up being a total waste of money?

Peter: Pretty much.