Peter: So, there's this chapter in the Bible, Jeremiah 16.

Stewie: Let's see, what does it say?

Peter: Well, Yahweh says that he's gonna bring a bunch of people from different nations to Israel, and they're gonna take over the land.

Stewie: Wow! Sounds like a cross between Game of Thrones and The Avengers!

Lois: Guys, that's not what the Bible says. In Jeremiah 16, Yahweh says that he's gonna punish the Israelites for their sins, and that they're gonna have to wander in exile for a while.

Brian: But, wait a second...I thought the Bible was all about love and forgiveness.

Peter: Oh yeah, for sure. But Yahweh also says that if the Israelites repent and turn back to him, he'll forgive them and bring them back to their homeland.

Stewie: So, it's like that episode of Friends where Ross and Rachel get back together after a long break-up?

Lois: Sort of, I guess. But the point is, Yahweh is calling the Israelites to repentance, and he promises them redemption if they turn back to him.