Peter: So, according to Jeremiah 48, God's gonna bring big trouble to the city of Moab and its capital, Kir Moab.
Brian: Oh, wow. That's not good.
Lois: Moabites gonna have a rough time of it.
Stewie: Yeah, like when the Raptors took the last shot in game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Bucks.
Chris: Woah, deep cut Stewie.
Meg: Anyway, God says Moab is doomed 'cause they were too proud and didn't take any advice. Like when I said to Dad not to do the Macarena at the school talent show.
Peter: And then God's gonna come and make them so sad they'll shave their heads and cut off their clothes.
Brian: Kinda like when I shaved my head for charity and then realized I didn't have enough to give away.
Lois: And then all the towns of Moab will be destroyed and the cities will be silent.
Stewie: Like when the NBA had to take a break because of COVID-19.
Chris: Yeah, it's so quiet without basketball.
Meg: Yeah, it's gonna be super quiet in Moab.
Peter: God's gonna give the Moabites what they deserve for not doing what He said.
Brian: Kinda like when Dad got what he deserved for trying to be a rapper.
Lois: Not something we're likely to forget anytime soon.
Stewie: Yeah, like how everyone still remembers the time the Yankees traded Babe Ruth to the Red Sox.
Chris: Yeah, that's a classic.
Meg: Anyway, the people of Moab are gonna be so unhappy and God's gonna punish them.
Peter: He's gonna do it so they realize they were wrong not to listen to Him.
Brian: Like when I realized I shouldn't have tried to make a podcast about the history of jazz.
Lois: Exactly. So, don't ignore God when He's telling you something, kiddos.
Stewie: Yeah, like when I said we should buy stock in GameStop.
Chris: Good advice, Stewie.
Meg: Yeah, and don't forget what happened to the people of Moab when they didn't listen.