Peter: Alright, so this is Jeremiah 17, right?

Lois: Yes, Peter.

Stewie: Ugh, more of this boring Bible stuff?

Peter: Yeah, it's not exactly like watching the latest season of Stranger Things.

Lois: (Rolls her eyes) Okay, so, according to this chapter, Jeremiah curses those who trust in human strength and intelligence, rather than relying on God.

Brian: Yeah, like relying on a Magic 8 Ball instead of asking God for advice.

Peter: (Laughs) Yeah, like that time I asked it if I should keep eating bacon and it said maybe.

Lois: (Sighs) Moving on, it also says that those who trust in God will be blessed with peace and security.

Stewie: So, like, if we trust in God, then we'll be like the Avengers and have all these cool powers?

Brian: (Sarcastically) Yeah, that's pretty much it Stewie.