Peter: Alright, so Jeremiah 50... Boy, this one's a doozy. Let's see, it's about the fall of Babylon and the restoration of Israel. God's saying he's gonna punish Babylon for the wrongs they done against Israel and restore the Israelites back to their homeland.
Lois: What a relief! I'm sure they were overjoyed!
Stewie: Yeah, they're probably all like, "Finally, we can go home!"
Brian: I get it, I get it. Hey, it's like the end of the first Avengers movie.
Peter: Wait, what? That's not even remotely the same.
Stewie: Well, it is in the sense that they both have a happy ending!
Lois: Oh, boys. Let's stay on track. What else does it say in Jeremiah 50?
Peter: It says God's gonna send the Medes to punish Babylon, and he's gonna use the Babylonians to fight against their own people. Then he's gonna restore the Israelites and give them back their lands.
Brian: Wow, that's some serious Game of Thrones type stuff!
Stewie: Yeah, it's like when Daenerys freed the slaves of Yunkai!
Lois: Alright, that's enough pop culture references. Let's wrap it up. So, the end of Jeremiah 50 is about the restoration of Israel and the fall of Babylon.
Peter: Right. God's sending the Medes to punish Babylon, and he's gonna restore the Israelites and give them back their lands.
Lois: And that's the end of Jeremiah 50!
All: *Cheers*