Alex Trebek: "So, what do you do for fun, contestant? I hear you're a big fan of the Bible. What's your favorite part?"
Contestant: "Well, my favorite part is Jeremiah 50. It talks about how God will bring judgement and destruction on Babylon because of their wickedness. He will send a nation from the north to take the city and they will show no mercy."
Alex Trebek: "Uh, that's interesting. But, what else do you like to do when you're not reading the Bible? Any hobbies or sports teams?"
Contestant: "Well, I guess I could talk about Jeremiah 51. It talks about how Babylon will be totally destroyed and how the people of God will be restored to the land. God will bring back his people and they will live in safety."
Alex Trebek: "You know, I'm sure the Bible is wonderful, but I think we should talk about something else. What other books do you like to read?"
Contestant: "Sure, I like to read all kinds of books. But, did you know that Jeremiah 52 says that the Babylonians will be completely wiped out and God will restore the people of Israel to their homeland? It's really amazing how God works."
Alex Trebek: *sighs in frustration* "Yes, I'm sure it is. But I think we should move on to a different topic. So, tell me about your favorite TV show."
Contestant: "Well, I do like a lot of TV shows, but I can't help but tell you about Jeremiah 53 which talks about the suffering of Christ and how he paid the price for our sins. It's truly incredible."
Alex Trebek: *exasperated* "Yes, yes, I'm sure it is. Now, let's get back to talking about something else!"