Alex: So, contestant, tell me a bit about yourself!

Contestant: Well, Alex, I'd like to start by summarizing Jeremiah 32.

Alex: [sighs] Alright, go ahead.

Contestant: In this chapter, God tells Jeremiah to purchase a field, even though the Israelites are in exile. God says that this is a sign of hope, that after the exile they will be allowed to return to their land. God also reveals that He is all-powerful and has the ability to restore and protect His people.

Alex: [exasperated] That's very… interesting. Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Contestant: Yes, in this chapter God also speaks about His covenant with the Israelites. He promises to protect them and never forsake them, even in times of distress.

Alex: [sighs] Well, that's quite something. Anything else?

Contestant: Just that God also promises to bring His people back to the land and restore their fortunes, and to bless them with peace and prosperity.

Alex: [sighs] Well, that's… something. Anything else?

Contestant: Nope, that's it!

Alex: [sighs] Alright then. Moving on!