Peter: Alright, so here's the scoop on Jeremiah 33: The Lord says there's gonna be a time of great peace and prosperity, with Jerusalem being rebuilt and the people of Israel living in safety.

Lois: And there's gonna be a new kind of king, one who will always be around to make sure everything's going well.

Brian: Oh, that sounds like a real-life version of the game Monopoly!

Stewie: Oh, I don't know, Brian. It's more like The Sims, because this king will be able to control the people's actions and make sure they're living in harmony.

Cleveland: Hey, I heard this king will even bring back the exiles and make sure everyone's living in happiness.

Quagmire: Wow, that's like being in the Matrix, where everything is perfectly controlled!

Peter: Yeah, and then the Lord's gonna do something even better: He's gonna make sure that people are able to keep His laws and live in peace forever.

Lois: That sounds like a real-life version of Peggle!

Brian: Well, I guess we'd better keep our eyes on the prize and make sure we stay on the right path!

Stewie: Right. We need to follow the Lord's laws and stay faithful to Him, if we want to be part of this new kingdom!