Robin: Batman, what is Jeremiah 17 about?
Batman: It's about the consequences of trusting in humans rather than trusting in God.
Joker: Is that why it says, “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord?”
Batman: Yes, Joker. That's the main theme of this chapter.
Catwoman: But what are the consequences of trusting in humans?
Batman: According to Jeremiah 17, the consequences are dire. Those who trust in humans will be like a shrub in the desert, unable to find water or sustenance. They will be like a sparrow alone on a roof, with no one to care for them.
Riddler: What is the alternative?
Batman: The alternative, Riddler, is to trust in the Lord. Those who do will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. They will not fear when heat comes, but their leaves will remain green. They will be like a tree that prospers in the year of drought, with no worries in a year of famine.
Penguin: That sounds like a much better option.
Batman: Indeed, Penguin. Ultimately, Jeremiah 17 is a reminder to put our faith and trust in God and not in humans.