Batman: Here we are, Robin, Jeremiah 4. What can you tell me about it?

Robin: Well, Batman, the chapter begins with the Lord speaking to Jeremiah and warning the people of Judah about their sins and the coming judgment.

Batman: Oh no! What sort of judgment?

Robin: Well, it says that all of the fields, villages, and cities will be destroyed and the land will become a desolate wasteland.

Joker: Ha ha ha! That sounds like my kind of party!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We mustn't forget about the consequences of this judgment.

Robin: Right, Batman. The Lord warns the people that they will be scattered and exiled and that their land will be taken over by other nations.

Batman: This is a grave warning, Robin. We must make sure the people of Judah heed it.

Joker: Or else you'll have to come and get me! Ha ha ha!