Batman: Jeremiah 22 tells us of King Josiah's righteous reign, Robin.

Robin: It certainly does, Batman! We learn that the people of Judah have turned away from God.

Batman: And that the Lord is deeply disappointed by their lack of faithfulness.

Joker: Hey! What about me? What does this chapter have to do with me?

Batman: Joker, the Lord has a message for you, too. He warns of a dire fate for any king who follows in Josiah's footsteps and fails to live up to his expectations.

Joker: Oh, great. So much for my evil plans!

Robin: Don't worry, Joker. We learn that if the king follows the Lord's commands, he will be blessed with a long and prosperous reign.

Batman: And if the people of Judah turn back to God, they will be blessed with peace and joy.