Batman: Robin, the people of Judah have been defying the Lord's commands, and it's up to us to put a stop to it!

Robin: What do you mean, Batman?

Batman: Well, Robin, it says in the Book of Jeremiah that the people of Judah have been burning incense to false gods and have not been following the Lord's commands.

Joker: Ha, ha, ha! What a bunch of fools! They should have listened to the Lord!

Batman: Don't you worry, Joker. The Lord has not forgotten about them. He has sent a stern message through Jeremiah, warning them of the consequences of their actions.

Robin: So, what's going to happen to them?

Batman: The Lord will punish the people of Judah for their sins. He will bring disaster upon them and send them into exile.

Catwoman: That doesn't sound good.

Batman: No, it doesn't. But, hopefully, the people of Judah will learn their lesson and turn back to the Lord.