[Batman and Robin are walking through a dark alley.]
Robin: Holy rumblings, Batman! What does Jeremiah 3 have in store for us?
Batman: That's a good question, Robin. Let's take a look.
[Scene shifts to a library, where Batman and Robin are looking through a Bible.]
Batman: Here it is: Jeremiah 3. It says, "If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him and marries another man, should he return to her again? Would not such a land be greatly polluted? Yet you have played the harlot with many lovers; yet return to Me," says the Lord.
Robin: Gosh, Batman! That's a pretty powerful message!
Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. The Lord is warning us that if we turn away from Him and pursue other things, He will not accept us back. We must remain faithful to Him if we want to be accepted.
[Scene shifts back to the alley, where Batman and Robin are walking away.]
Robin: So, what can we do to stay faithful, Batman?
Batman: We must obey His commands, Robin, and make sure that we don't turn away from Him. That's the only way to ensure that we remain in His good graces.