Batman: Robin, the prophet Jeremiah is back! This time, his message is a hopeful one.

Robin: A hopeful one?

Batman: Yes, Robin. It's a promise of deliverance from the Lord for the Israelites, who have been held in captivity.

Catwoman: Ha! Don't get too excited, Robin. I'm sure the Lord has some tricks up his sleeve.

Riddler: Indeed he does! The Lord promises that he will restore Israel and make it even greater than it was before.

Penguin: In addition, the Lord will put an end to their suffering and make them prosperous.

Batman: That's right. The Lord will bring them back to their land and give them peace and security.

Robin: It sounds like a dream come true!

Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. But we must remember that this deliverance will come with a price - the people must remain faithful and obedient to the Lord.

Joker: Oh, come on guys. We all know this is too good to be true.

Batman: No, Joker. The Lord's promises are sure and will be fulfilled in due time. We must have faith.