Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! It looks like Jeremiah is in big trouble!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. In Jeremiah 36, the Lord tells Jeremiah to write a scroll with all of his prophetic words.

Catwoman: Oh, he's so brave!

Batman: Yes, Catwoman, but Jeremiah's courage is soon tested. When the King learns of the scroll, he orders it to be read aloud to the people.

Robin: But it doesn't end there, does it, Batman?

Batman: No, it does not, Robin. The King's officials take the scroll and cut it up, and then throw it into the fire!

Joker: Oh, that's wicked!

Batman: Yes, Joker, it is. But all is not lost. Jeremiah is told to write down all the words again, and this time they are written on a new scroll.

Robin: So, the Lord's words are preserved!

Batman: Yes, Robin, they are.