Robin: Holy Plotting, Batman! It looks like God is really angry in this chapter of Jeremiah!
Batman: Yes, Robin. God is lamenting over the fate of His beloved people, who have been unfaithful to Him and have turned to idols.
Joker: He-he-he! But then God goes on to say that even if the people repent, He still won't be happy with them!
Batman: That's right, Joker. But God does say that He will take vengeance on their enemies, so that's something.
Catwoman: God also talks about how His people have been scattered and have no real leader.
Robin: Why don't they just turn back to God and get back on His good side?
Batman: Yes, Robin, but unfortunately it appears that they are too proud and stubborn to do that. Even though they have been warned, they continue to reject God and suffer the consequences.