Robin: Holy Bible Chapter 14, Batman!

Batman: What does it say, Robin?

Joker: Let me guess, it's something about me!

Batman: No, Joker, it's not about you. It's about a famine that has been sent by God.

Robin: That's right, Batman. The Lord is angry at the people of Judah for their sins and has sent a drought to punish them.

Riddler: But it's not just a drought, is it? It also says that a sword will be sent.

Batman: That's right, Riddler. God is sending a sword to punish the people of Judah for their sins.

Catwoman: But it also says that their punishment will be tempered by God's mercy.

Robin: Yes, Catwoman. Even though God is angry at the people of Judah, he still loves them and will not completely destroy them. He will still provide for them and protect them.

Batman: That's right. God is a loving God and will not completely forsake his people.