"Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say, 'Jeremiah 14: a chapter for the ages!' No malarkey! That's what he used to say. Or uh, you know, 'It's a chapter for the record books!' C'mon, man! He wasn't joking. See here, Jack, the Bible says in this chapter, the drought is so intense, there is literally no rain! I mean, it was...it was bad, folks! It was like, what was that? A hundred years of drought! And so, the people were crying out to God, asking for help. But God was like, 'No way, no how! Not gonna happen!' I tell you what, the crops were just withering away. And the people were like, 'Excuse me, God, why are you punishing us?' So God said, 'You know, I remember this one time, a few hundred years ago, when you guys were offering sacrifices to false idols. So, I'm punishing you for that.' And the people were like, 'But God, that was a long time ago!' And God was like, 'My memory is like an elephant, folks! I remember everything!' So, that's it. That's Jeremiah 14. I'm not joking! It was a chapter for the ages!"