Folks, listen here Jack! I'm not gonna lie to ya - this chapter of the Bible is a real doozy. I'll tell ya what - God commanded Jeremiah to proclaim freedom for the Hebrew slaves. Literally, the Lord said, "Each of you must free his Hebrew slaves, both male and female; no malarkey! You must set them free from your service." Now, my father used to say, "Those who honor their obligations will be blessed," and I'm not joking when I say this applies to us today, too. Here's the deal - if you don't, then God said He will make you an object of horror and ridicule, and you won't be able to hide from Him. Uh, you know, see here, Jack - He'll punish you for breaking the covenant you made in His name. And what was that? He said, "No one will be able to break it. Excuse me, but that's a promise He won't break, not gonna happen! So, do the right thing and free your slaves, 'cause if you don't, God will make you pay. C'mon, man!