Listen, Jack, here's the deal: my father used to say that Jeremiah 27 is pretty much about the same old malarkey I've been hearing my whole life. See here, Jack, God tells Jeremiah to put a yoke around his neck and tell the kings of Judah that they have to serve the King of Babylon. C'mon, man, they can't even try to fight it! God says that if they don't obey, they're gonna get their cities destroyed. Not gonna happen! I tell you what, this is literally the same thing I heard when I was a kid, and I'm not joking. God also says that all the people who are in exile are gonna have to stay there until God decides to bring them home. What was that? Excuse me, but I'm sorry, folks, but that's not gonna happen for a long time. So, no malarkey, y'all - God isn't messing around here. Or uh, you know, that's what I heard my father say.