Folks, here's the deal with Jeremiah 24: We got two baskets of figs sittin' there. One basket was full of really ripe figs. C'mon, man, you know, the kind that's so sweet it's like a little slice of heaven. The other basket wasn't so good. It was full of figs that were so rotten, man, that you couldn't even eat 'em. So, I tell ya what, God is usin' these two baskets of figs to show us a metaphor. See, the good figs are the people of Judah that are gonna be taken back to Jerusalem. Not gonna happen that they get left behind. And the rotten figs? Well, those are the people of Judah that are gonna be left in exile. My father used to say, "Don't get too close to the figs, Jack, they'll make ya sick." Well, I'm not jokin', that's exactly what God's sayin' here. He's gonna remove the people of Judah from the bad situation they're in and bring 'em back home. That's the deal.