Folks, listen up! This chapter is about Jeremiah, who was a prophet of God during a challenging time in the history of Israel. He was thrown in a muddy cistern by the king's men and left there to suffer. No malarkey! He was rescued by Ebed-Melech, an Ethiopian eunuch, and brought to the king. Excuse me! The king asked Jeremiah what God had to say about the situation, and Jeremiah gave him the message that God would not save Jerusalem this time. See here, Jack, God was not gonna stand by and let them get away with all the evil they had been doing. Then the king had Jeremiah thrown into a dungeon, but he was soon released. I tell you what, the king and his men had no idea that God was literally in control of their fate and that Jeremiah was His messenger. My father used to say, "God's word is never wrong!" And I'm not joking, it really is true! What was that? The people of Jerusalem were not saved, but Jeremiah was. That's what happens when you put your trust in God! C'mon, man!