C'mon, man! Here's the deal. My father used to say, "Jeremiah 25 is about the Lord's judgement on Judah for their idolatry and wickedness". See here Jack, the Lord tells Jeremiah to warn Judah about the impending judgement, and that it will not be withheld. No malarkey! He tells them that the cup of His wrath will be poured out on all the nations and that they'll be taken into captivity. I'm not joking. Literally, they will drink from the cup of His wrath, and it won't taste good. What was that? Or uh, you know, the Lord will bring war and destruction to the nations that don't listen. Not gonna happen. He tells Jeremiah to proclaim it to the four corners of the earth. I tell you what, folks. The Lord gives Judah 70 years to turn back to Him and repent. Excuse me, but if they don't listen, then He will send the Lord of hosts and consume the land. So, listen Jack, don't mess with the Lord, or you'll be sorry.