Folks, listen up! Here's the deal: I'm not joking, literally, about what's in this chapter of the good ole Bible. See here, Jack: In this chapter it says that God told the prophet Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house. You know, it's like my father used to say: You can learn a lot from a potter. And what was that? Well, literally, God told Jeremiah to watch the potter at work, and he did. And then God told Jeremiah to go back and tell the people what the potter was doing, and then God said he would do something similar to them. No malarkey! God said he would do whatever he wanted with his people, just like the potter did with the clay. I tell you what: When the clay didn't work out the way the potter wanted, he smashed it up and started again. That's what God said he would do to the people if they didn't listen to him. C'mon, man. That's not gonna happen! God said he was just testing them to see if they would do what he said. Excuse me, but it's like I said: you can learn a lot from a potter.