Folks, listen here, Jack: I'm gonna tell you about this Jeremiah 40 business. It's literally one of the craziest chapters in the Bible. See, my father used to say, "It's like a roller coaster ride," so you know it's gonna have its ups and downs. So what was that? This chapter starts off with the Babylonians allowing the Jews to stay in Judah, but then they go and change their mind. I'm not joking, it's like they just said, "Oh, why don't we let 'em stay," and then they go and say, "No malarkey, time to get outta dodge." C'mon, man! So then Jeremiah gets to choose if he wants to go with the Jews outta there or stay with the Babylonians. And he literally chooses the latter. See here, Jack, this chapter is a lesson in decision-making. I tell you what, you gotta think twice before you make a move. That's what my father used to say. But then again, he also used to say, "Don't believe everything you hear." So, I guess, excuse me, make sure you get all the facts before you make a move. Or uh, you know, you might end up like Jeremiah and make the wrong decision. Not gonna happen to you, right? Now, Jeremiah literally chooses to stay with the Babylonians, and then it's like nothing else happens in the chapter. Literally. So, here's the deal, make sure you get all the facts before you decide. That's what my father used to say.