Folks, listen up! Here's the deal: Jeremiah 19 is all about God's judgment on the city of Jerusalem. You see, God's people had sinned against him, so he had to punish them for their wicked ways. No malarkey! Now, he did this in a really serious way. I tell you what, he said that he would “break down the walls of Jerusalem and make it a heap of ruins.” I mean, that's some serious stuff. And, get this, he said that he would make the city “a horror and a hissing, without an inhabitant”. I'm not joking! My father used to say, "you mess with the bull, you get the horns". Or uh, you know, don’t mess with God and you won’t get punished. Literally! So, c'mon, man, don't forget that God's judgment is real and it's not gonna happen. See here, Jack, that's why Jeremiah 19 is so important. You gotta remember it. What was that? Oh yeah, God's judgment, that's what matters.