Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. Chapter twelve of Jeremiah is all about the Lord sending His people out of the land because of their sins. I mean, c'mon, man - He's trying to get them to turn back to Him, but they just don't want to. It's like my father used to say: you can take the horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. So God's gonna have to use His judgment to get them back.
See here, Jack, this chapter is really about the Lord's love for His people - He's trying to get them to repent and turn back to Him, but they're just not doing it. And the Lord asks Jeremiah why it's so hard for them to understand. I'm not joking - they just don't get it.
He also talks about how He will protect the people who have chosen to remain faithful to Him, no malarkey. But He's also gonna have to use His judgment against those who have turned away from Him. Not gonna happen - He's gonna punish them for their sins.
But then He says this: “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, how will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?” What was that? He's saying that if the people can't even handle the small things, how are they gonna handle the big things?
Excuse me, Jeremiah 12 is about the Lord's love for His people, His judgment against those who have sinned, and His challenge to them to turn back to Him. Literally - He's trying to get them to understand that they can't handle the big things without Him. I tell you what - if they don't turn back to Him, they're gonna regret it.