Listen, Jack. My father used to say, "God never changes, no malarkey!". Here's the deal: Jeremiah 31 is a reminder that God's love for His people is literally unending. He promises to never forget them, and says He will never turn away from them. "I'm not joking," God says, "I will gather them together like sheep and carry them in my arms." C'mon, man! It's a beautiful picture of God's loving care for His people.
See here, Jack. God promises that even if His people forget Him, He will never forget them. What was that? He promises to lead them back to the land He promised to give them, and to have compassion on them. Excuse me! God says He will make a new covenant with them, and they will all know Him and He will forgive their sins. Or uh, you know, God says that He will be their God and they will be His people. Not gonna happen that He will ever forget them.
I tell you what, folks. God's love for His people is so powerful that it will be like a mother's love for her children. He will never forget them, no matter what. He will be with them, and He will heal their broken hearts. His love for His people is literally unending.