Listen, Jack, I tell you what, here's the deal: Jeremiah 11 is all about loyalty to God. My father used to say, "If you don't keep your covenant with the Lord, then uh, you know, literally, no malarkey, you're gonna be sorry". See here, Jack, God is warning the people of Judah about consequences of abandoning Him. He tells them not to trust in their allies, and that He will not protect them if they turn away from Him. C'mon, man, God literally says that if they don't keep His covenant, He will punish them, and it's not gonna happen that they get away with it. And folks, He's not joking either. What was that? He says if they don't listen, then He will bring a "calamity" on them. Excuse me, but that's a pretty strong warning, and one we should all take to heart. So, literally, remember to keep your covenant with the Lord or else, no malarkey, you're gonna be sorry. That's Jeremiah 11 in a nutshell, see here, Jack.