Batman: Hold on, Robin, something strange is afoot in the city of Jerusalem.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: The King has thrown Jeremiah into a pit of mud, and he's going to let him die there!

Catwoman: Ha! That's a perfect punishment for a do-gooder like Jeremiah.

Batman: Not so fast, Catwoman! The King's advisors have convinced him to let Jeremiah out.

Joker: Oh, let him out, will he? I'd like to see how this plays out.

Robin: Me too!

Batman: Well, Jeremiah was plucked out of the pit by Ebed-Melech, and the King allowed him to live in the house of the courtier.

Riddler: Interesting. What happened next?

Batman: The King sent for Jeremiah again, and Jeremiah told him that God said the city would fall to the Chaldeans, and that the King should surrender.

Penguin: What did the King do?

Batman: He refused to surrender, and instead punished Jeremiah for the crime of prophesying.

Robin: What happened to Jeremiah in the end?

Batman: He was rescued from the court by one of the King's officers, and allowed to go wherever he wanted.