Batman: Holy historic hoo-ha, Robin! Let's learn about the prophecy of Jeremiah 46.

Robin: Gosh, Batman. What does it say?

Joker: Ha ha! What does a silly old prophecy have to do with me?

Batman: The prophecy speaks of a coming war between the Egyptians and the Babylonians.

Riddler: Riddle me this: What will happen to the Egyptians?

Robin: Batman, the prophecy says that the Egyptians will be defeated by the Babylonians.

Catwoman: Sounds like a purr-fectly juicy battle!

Batman: The prophecy also says that the Egyptians will be slaughtered like sheep and their cities will be destroyed.

Penguin: Oh, my! That sounds like a tragedy.

Batman: Indeed, it is. We must be prepared for this war and pray for the safety of all involved.