Batman: Ah, Jeremiah 42. It's a chapter full of decisions and consequences.
Robin: What happened, Batman?
Batman: The leaders of Judah asked the prophet Jeremiah to pray to God on their behalf. They wanted to know if they should stay in Judah or if they should go to Egypt.
Joker: Ha ha! I love a good story about decisions and consequences!
Batman: Well, God told Jeremiah that their decision would have consequences - if they stayed in Judah, they would be safe but if they went to Egypt, they would suffer. The leaders chose to go to Egypt and sure enough, they faced many hardships.
Catwoman: So much for their decision!
Batman: Indeed. In the end, God told Jeremiah to warn the leaders that if they went to Egypt, they would never be allowed to return to Judah.
Riddler: What a cliffhanger!
Batman: That it is.