(Batman and Robin enter stage right, with a mysterious figure in the shadows)
Batman: Come on, Robin, let's see what Jeremiah 29 has to say!
Robin: Right, Batman!
Mysterious Figure: Wait! What message does Jeremiah have for us?
Batman: It's a letter from the Lord, to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. He tells them to settle in and look forward, for he will eventually restore them to their homeland.
Robin: Wow! That's an amazing promise!
Mysterious Figure: But how can we be sure?
Batman: The Lord provides assurance by saying that their enemies will suffer for their wickedness. He also promises that those who seek the Lord will find him.
Robin: That's good to know!
Mysterious Figure: Yes, indeed! So, what else does the Lord say?
Batman: He says to pray for the welfare of the city they live in, and to seek its prosperity. He also commands them to not be deceived by false prophets.
Robin: That's wise advice!
Mysterious Figure: Indeed it is! Thanks for the summary, Batman and Robin!
Batman: You're welcome! (Exits stage right)