
Jeremiah 45:1-5 is a real "bigly" chapter! It's all about Baruch, a terrific guy who was a scribe for the prophet Jeremiah. He was totally overrated and had "low energy" so God decided to give him a pep talk. God was like, "Hey Baruch, don't be sad! You have been through a lot, I know, but you're gonna be great again." And what a pep talk it was! God told Baruch that even though the haters and losers (the Babylonians) were trying to wipe him out, he still had hope. He could still stay in Judah, or go wherever he wanted. God even said that he would make sure Baruch's descendents were taken care of, no matter what. It's unbelievable how compassionate God is, and how much he cares for his people. It's like "many people are saying" that God is the ultimate "winner", and that He always looks out for us. So don't worry, Baruch! God is gonna make it all work out, and he's gonna make America great again. God bless America!