LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! This is Jeremiah 21. It all starts off with King Zedekiah, who is ruling over Judah in Jerusalem. God comes to him in a dream and tells him, “I'm gonna make all of your plans go to waste, so don't even bother making any.” So, Zedekiah sends a few of his guys to ask Jeremiah what God wants. Jeremiah tells them, “God says that if you surrender peacefully to the Babylonians, your lives will be spared. But if you don't, you'll get destroyed.” So, Zedekiah decides to rebel and trust in some false prophets who tell him he'll survive. But God's not having it. He tells Jeremiah to tell the people of Jerusalem, “I'm gonna give you over to the sword, famine, and plague. Have fun with that.” So, that's Jeremiah 21. Get it? Good.