Listen up, troops! In Jeremiah 26, the Lord sends Jeremiah to the temple, to tell the people of Judah that if they don't repent and change their ways, they'll be destroyed. He tells them to turn from their wickedness and to obey the law of the Lord. The leaders and people don't take Jeremiah's message seriously, and they plot to have him arrested. But a few of the elders step in and warn the people not to harm Jeremiah, citing an example from the past when the city was spared from destruction when the people obeyed the prophet. The people still don't listen and Jeremiah is put on trial. The leaders want to put him to death, but the people are spared when the Lord intervenes and sends a message through Jeremiah that He will spare the city. So, in the end, the people of Judah learn their lesson and turn back to the Lord. That's it - now get out there and live it!