Peter: Alright, 1 John 2. So, uh, this chapter is about how you should love your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lois: Oh, that's sweet.
Brian: Yeah, but it doesn't mean we should just love our Christian friends and family. We should also love those who don't follow Jesus.
Peter: Yeah, uh, it says that if we don't love our brothers and sisters who can see us, then how can we love God, who we can't see?
Chris: That's like that one episode of Friends when Rachel loved Joey but couldn't see him.
Stewie: That wasn't an episode of Friends, that was an episode of... (looks off camera) What was that show?
Peter: Uh, nevermind that. The point is, 1 John 2 is basically saying that we should love everyone, even if they don't love us back, because that's what God does.
Lois: That's a beautiful message.
Brian: Yeah, and it also reminds us that when we sin, we can go to God and ask for forgiveness, because he will always forgive us.
Peter: Right. So, uh, that's 1 John 2.