Peter: Alright Lois, let's hear about this Jonah 1 thing.
Lois: Well, God told Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to, so he hopped on a ship headed in the opposite direction.
Peter: Wait a minute, is this like that old movie where a guy runs away from God, then gets swallowed by a whale?
Lois: Yeah, kind of like that.
Peter: Sweet! So then what happened?
Lois: Well, God sent a great storm and the sailors were so scared they threw Jonah overboard.
Peter: Woah, that's like that one episode of Spongebob when he got sucked into the whirlpool!
Lois: Yeah, kind of like that. Anyway, then a big fish swallowed Jonah and he was stuck inside for three days and three nights.
Peter: Sounds like a bad episode of The Simpsons!
Lois: Yeah, kinda. Anyway, then Jonah prayed to God and the fish spit him out on the shore.
Peter: So God saved him in the end?
Lois: Yeah, he did.