Peter: Alright, so Deuteronomy 8. Lois: Uh huh. Peter: It starts off with God telling the Israelites that, if they follow his commandments, they'll be rewarded with a land filled with milk and honey. Meg: Cool. Stewie: What is milk and honey? Lois: It's like a metaphor for a land of abundance and prosperity. Peter: Right, so God is telling them that he's gonna reward them with that if they follow his commandments. He also warns them not to forget what he has done for them and to be careful not to turn away from him. Brian: Uh, wait a minute. Is God the same guy that put us in this pandemic and messed up our economy? Lois: Brian, we've talked about this. Peter: Anyway, God tells them that he won't forgive them if they forget him and turn away. He also reminds them how he led them through the desert and how he provided food and water for them. Stewie: So, kind of like the McRib sandwich? Peter: Yeah, I guess. In the end, God tells them to remember his commandments and to live by them. Meg: So, like, don't forget God and his commandments and then you'll get the best stuff? Peter: Yeah, that's pretty much it.