Brian: Alright, so Deuteronomy 22 starts with this really weird law about women. Apparently, if you see a woman wearing clothes that belong to a man, you have to stone her to death.
Peter: What?! That's horrible!
Lois: That's terrible.
Stewie: Yeah, I mean, this is starting to sound like an episode of Game of Thrones.
Brian: I know, right? And then there's a bunch of other rules about how to build houses, what to do with lost animals, and what to do if you find a bird's nest with eggs in it.
Peter: Wait, you can't eat the eggs? What's the point of even having them then?
Lois: Peter, it's a rule. You just have to follow it.
Stewie: Hey, speaking of rules, did you know that if you wear clothes of the opposite sex, you get your eyes poked out?
Brian: I don't think that's in the Bible, Stewie.
Stewie: Oh, right. That's the Hunger Games.